Bomb Theives

Bombs rained down on the city of Kabul, not even the other Afghan people would stand up for each other, as bombs blew up houses, raiders ran into the buildings, stealing everything that wasn’t tied down. Nashmiir Satanou was one of these thieves, he had just arrived home with his  latest haul of goods when the front of an old mansion was blown off, many people fled the scene with grave injuries. Nashmiir ran into the house and looked up an old staircase, seeing a jewelry box at the top he began to climb he fell through the stairs, and saw a translucent figure, a translucent figure holding a knife…

Nuke Attack

The people of the city stepped outside and saw many flashing lights in the sky. No one thought anything of it. In the centre there was a large silvery green object falling. When the people had finished their lunch, there was a huge BANG! Scorching hot winds blew buildings dow, starting fires everywhere. After the first explosion, black rain fell from the sky, poisoning the people and the land. The people who made it to the boats and the river watched in horror as people missing limbs and skin peeling off their bodies in sheets. This is what the people of Hiroshima went through in the first ever nuclear explosion.

Doom Chronicles 5: Zerasa Encounter


Zac drove on quietly, he knew the girl was having a hard time, her father had died and a person she had never met was driving her to his village, as she lived in the truck her whole life. It was probably a terrifying experience for her. Even though Zac seemed relaxed, he was actually terrified as well, he new the Zerasa could easily catch them. If that happened, Zac could not bear to think of the result, even though he new what it was: torture than… death. Eventually, the boy began to tire, every rock was looking more like the Zerasa when one moved…