Stranded Deep 12

When Grayson gained consciousness, he looked around the small room and grabbed an oar of the wall and smashed the padlock that tied him and Rebecca up. They both ran as fast as they could towards the forest, giving one more wistful gaze towards civilisation before ducking into the wilderness. They began to set up camp when Grayson remembered to feed the young panda, but it did not want to eat, when Grayson saw a wrinkled mushroom lying half eaten beside the cub. Thankfully, Grayson had packed antioxidant in his first-aid kit. Rule one of survival, come prepared. Grayson grabbed the bottle, which was empty…

Stranded Deep 11

Grayson walked down a corridor until he saw a glow, coming from a door that was slightly ajar. He crept down the stairs, making sure there was nobody in the room. He began testing the books and boxes for mechanisms, but as he pulled out a box on a high shelf, a vase fell out and fell to the floor. Suddenly he heard pounding footsteps, Grayson stumbled in surprise and fell into a trap door. He saw Rebecca tied and gagged, but as he began untying her, she seemed to be telling him something. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head when darkness enveloped the room…

Stranded Deep 10

Grayson tumbled through the skies, the panda cub curled up in his arms as the hot air balloon got caught in strong winds and drifted away. Grayson ran after the balloon, ducking behind bushes and shrubs and avoiding clearings to stay out of sight of the guards that dotted the forest. He ran for what seemed like hours when he saw the hot air balloon in a tangled wreck on top of a creepy house. Grayson approached the old wreck of a house and opened the gate with a creak. It was house twenty-nine of thirty. Grayson hid the cub in a small shed out the front and crept inside…

Stranded Deep 9

Grayson and Rebecca ran outside and leaped into the basket of a hot air balloon. Grayson started the fire in the balloon, while Rebecca played on a violin with happy, purple elephants painted on it. The ballon soared up into the air, as Rebecca continued to play on her violin. The balloon drifted peacefully, when BANG! A bullet sped past the balloon, missing it by a millimetre. Grayson lowered the ballon so that it scraped against the leaves at the tops of the trees, to avoid detection, when he heard the cry of a baby panda. Rebecca held Grayson’s feet as he grabbed the cub, when he felt himself slipping…

Stranded Deep 8

“Ah, so you have turned against me Rebecca” said a cruel voice. Rebecca opened her mouth, but before a word  exited Rebecca’s mouth, the voice said “she is my niece, boy, but this knowledge will not stay with you for long, as you will both be dead soon” he said. “So what, we will be gone faster than vegimite in front of you?” Rebecca said to her uncle, “no”, he said “I like marmite and you should know that Rebecca” the man replied as he readied his gun. But before he could pull the trigger, Grayson ran at him and sent him flying out the window. “Noooooooo”, he cried, and then, silence…

Stranded Deep 7

“You must touch one of us to open a door, one for two wrong, two for on right and three for one wrong”. Said the hologram, “find me out and you have one, one plus one is victory two, go for a third and death will greet you”. “Well”, Grayson said “one is light orange, and if you paint over light orange with light orange you get dark orange”. Rebecca walked up to the dark orange hologram and touched it. It turned into an ominous statue as the third door opened, they entered the dark room cautiously. When they stepped through the doorway, the door shut with behind them…

Stranded deep 6

“Grayson”? Rebecca asked. “Wait is that Rebecca Williams, what are you doing here”? “I am a guard” she said. “We need to see your boss, help me out of this chair and let’s go”. Rebecca ran to the chair and pressed the unlock button. The two of them ran to ‘the bosses’ office. When they got there, they found out that getting into the mans office would be harder than expected. There were four doors, only one was right. Rebecca muttered a few words and three coloured holograms of the boss appeared, the orange one spoke first. “Complete our puzzle and you may pass by, but choose wrong and you will die”…

Stranded deep 5

Rebecca awoke in her office and ran to the door to try the handle, it was locked. She had never kicked down a door before, but she had to try. She kicked the door with all her might and it came crashing to the ground, but she was not clear yet she thought as her eyes rested on the frightening sight of an armed guard. She grabbed the gun and tranquillised the guard, ducking into an interrogation room as he fell to the ground with an almighty thud. She bolted to a glass window and prepared to leap out into a large brown hot-air balloon, when she heard a voice…

Stranded deep 4

“Who are you”, Grayson cried out. “All will be revealed” replied a cold voice. “Now, where is the young panda”. Meanwhile outside… the young panda was sitting up in a tree when he was spotted by one of the many searching for him. “There it is” cried a girl of fifteen (exactly two days younger than Grayson). The entire search party looked in the direction she was pointing, but the young panda had climbed higher into the tree and was hiding in a thicket of leaves near the top. “But where did it go”, she shouted. “Sorry Rebecca, but failure can’t be tolerated”. She then fell to the ground, unconscious…

Stranded Deep 3

Grayson tucked the young panda into his bag and set off to explore the island. The Island looked quite remote, so Grayson was surprised to see guards standing either side of a large set of electric metal doors. Grayson placed the now sleeping panda down on the ground and stepped forward. A twig snapped under his feet and before Grayson could cry out, a dart hit him in the leg and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Grayson woke up many hours later to the sound footsteps, he tried to lift his arms, but the were heavier than expected. He was trapped in a room, and he was not alone…