Sranded deep 2

Grayson and the captain were moaning in sorrow, Nico had been stolen and they had no means of transport for leaving dreaded island. Through their sobs, neither of them heard the great wave. The tidal wave crashed over the island with great force and speed, washing Grayson, the captain and the baby panda away. Grayson came to many hours later and shouted for the captain, but there was to reply. The baby panda was sitting at his feet and whining. All that Grayson could find was the captains lucky bike charm and his weathered old hat. As Grayson looked around he realised something, this wasn’t the same island…

Stranded Deep

The small biplane landed on the edge of wreckers reef as the weathered old pilot pulled out a small raft so that they could row to shore. They needed to get the island quickly, because Nico, an endangered panda was giving birth and they had to give the baby a medical check, no-one noticed a small boat row out, when they heard the engines it was too late. The plane had been stolen, and so had Nico, the baby was hiding and Grayson found him in the bushes nearby. The captain found the poachers plane and started it up and Grayson gaped in horror when it just wouldn’t take off…